
首页 > 社工之家招聘 国际计划组织现招募儿童保护项目实习生一名


Plan is a child-centred international humanitarian development organisation without any religious, political or governmental affiliation.


Founded 75 years ago, Plan is one of the oldest and largest children's development organisations in the world. We work in 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas to promote children's rights and lift millions of children out of poverty. Plan's vision is of a world in which all children realise their full potential, in societies that respect people's rights and dignity. 我们成立于1937年,是世界上历史最悠久、规模最大的以儿童为中心的发展组织之一。我们在亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲的50个发展中国家工作,致力于促进儿童权利,消除儿童贫困。我们的理想是在一个尊重人的权利和尊严的社会里,让所有的儿童都能够发挥他们的潜力。  

In 1995, Plan started its operation in China, and established strategic partnerships with the Shaanxi Women’s Federation in1999. Subsequently, Plan China established its new partnership with the Foreign Affairs Office of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and the Women and Children Development Centre of Yunnan Province. 1995年,国际计划进入中国,并先后与陕西省妇女联合会、宁夏回族自治区人民政府外事办公室以及云南省妇女儿童发展中心建立了战略合作伙伴关系。  

Currently, Plan China implements its programmes in many provinces, cities and autonomous regions, including Shaanxi, Ningxia and Yunnan. In its programme areas Plan China works in a variety of fields, including child protection, early childhood care and development, and disaster risk management. 目前,国际计划的项目覆盖了包括陕西、宁夏、云南在内的多个省、市、自治区,项目涉及儿童保护、儿童早期养育与发展、灾害风险管理等领域。   

Plan China's Country Goal is to help girls and boys from disadvantaged communities in China, including those who are particularly marginalised, to live in a society that respects their rights to survival, care, development, freedom from violence, and safety, enabling them to fulfill their potential and meaningfully participate in society. To achieve this goal, Plan China will provide capacity building programmes for children and their families, strengthen cooperation with other civil society organisations and government departments, conduct capacity building for relevant partners and carry out advocacy, and work together with partners at all levels to promote children's rights and end child poverty. 国际计划(中国)的目标是,使贫困农村地区的儿童,尤其是边缘化的儿童和女童,生活在一个尊重儿童的生存、养育、发展、受保护和安全等权利的社会里,并充分发挥他们的潜力、并使其具有意义地参与社会事务。在这一过程中,我们将通过对儿童及其家庭进行能力建设、加强与公民社会和各级政府的合作与能力建设、倡导等方式,与各级合作伙伴一同为促进儿童权利、消除儿童贫困而努力。   We are currently looking to recruit for the following key position. 我们目前拟招聘以下关键岗位人员。  

Child Protection Program Intern 儿童保护项目实习生  

Recruit Number: 1 招聘人数:1  

Duty station: Country Office in Xi’an 工作地点:位于西安的国家办公室  

Program Background: 项目背景:  

In order to deal with Child abuse, Plan China has carried out Child Protection Mechanism Construction Program. The goal of the program is to establish a platform of Child Protection and provide prevention and early intervention services. The duration of this program is one year. Currently Hunan Province and Yunnan Province are program target area. 为了更好的应对儿童暴力问题,国际计划开展了儿童保护机制建设项目,项目目标是希望在社区建立儿童保护的平台,提供预防和早期干预的服务。项目周期是1年,目前项目地区选择湖南和云南省。  

Key Responsibilities:主要职责:  

-       Translate program related documents and materials; -       翻译项目资料;

-       Provide assistance for organizing relevant materials and carrying out project activities;-       协助整理相关资料和开展相关项目活动。  

Competencies and Qualities:能力与素质要求:  

-       Undergraduate or postgraduate students, preferably majoring in English or Social Work; -       在校本科生或研究生,英语或社工专业优先考虑;

-       Excellent English/Chinese reading, writing, editing and translating skills; -       优秀的中英文读写、编辑、翻译能力;

-       Good computer skills; -       具备一定的电脑操作能力;

-       Be honest, patient and responsible; -      为人诚恳,工作耐心、认真、负责;

-      Recognize volunteer spirits and glad to provide services for the society. -      有志愿者服务精神,乐于为社会提供服务;

-      Willing to travel to the field when needed; -      需要时能够下乡工作;

-      Work during summer and winter vacation are preferred; -      最好能在寒暑假期间工作;

-       Strictly adhering to Plan’s policies on child protection; -       严格遵守、践行国际计划儿童保护相关政策;

-       Dedicated to helping deprived children and families in rural areas. -       致力于帮助农村贫困儿童及其家庭。   Note: This position provide related compensation and free training opportunities.注:该职位提供相关补助及免费培训机会。  

Plan offers an exciting career in civil society development, particularly focusing on child centered community development and the opportunity to significantly contribute to poverty alleviation in China’s rural areas. 国际计划为公民社会发展提供具有吸引力的职业,我们在中国农村尤其集中在以儿童为中心的社区发展和提供可极大贡献扶贫工作的机会。  

Qualified women are especially encouraged to apply. 特别鼓励满足条件的女性应聘。   Plan China is committed to actively safeguard children and young people (under the age of 18 years of age) from harm and ensuring children’s rights to protection are fully realised. We take seriously our responsibility to promote child safe practices and protect children from harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation in any form. Please note that all applicants for employment (either paid or unpaid) with Plan China are required to provide a declaration of their criminal history and employment disciplinary history. 国际计划(中国)积极致力于保护儿童和青年(未满18周岁)免受伤害,确保儿童受保护的权利得以完全实现。我们认真履行如下职责:推广儿童安全实践、及保护儿童免受任何形式的伤害、虐待、忽视和剥削。请注意国际计划(中国)会要求申请人(无论是否支付报酬)对其有无违法违纪历史进行声明。  

Interested persons are requested to submit their applications IN BOTH ENGLISH & CHINESE LANGUAGES containing a letter of application and their curriculum vitae/bio data to the following email before February 28th, 2014: 感兴趣的人员请在2014年2月28日前将中英文应聘材料(包括申请信、简历)发送到以下电子邮箱地址:  

Human Resources Department Plan China 7/F. Qin Dian International Building 396, East Nan’erhuan Xi’an, 710061, Shaanxi E-mail address: Planchina.hr@Plan-International.org   陕西省西安市南二环东段396号 秦电国际大厦七层 邮编:710061 国际计划 人力资源部 电子邮件地址:Planchina.hr@Plan-International.org   

网址: www.plan-international.org.cn
